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Tips to Improve Your Squarespace Site

We’re huge fans of Squarespace—many of our customers are, too. Like Loxi, Squarespace is beautifully designed, easy to use, and packed with great features. But are you taking advantage of all those great features? Whether you use Loxi or not, you’re sure to find the following tips helpful for getting the most out of your Squarespace site.

Know the Features Available to You

If you only read one thing in this article, read this: Squarespace has a handy feature index that, well, indexes all of its available features. This comprehensive resource is absolutely worth the read if you’re using or considering using Squarespace.

Experiment with Typography

If you’re paying for your Squarespace site, full access to Typekit and Google Fonts is included!

These are incredible resources, and between the two of them you’ve got an enormous amount of great fonts available to you. Good typography is essential to good design, so definitely tinker with different fonts and font combinations if you’re looking to make your site look and “feel” better.

Google Fonts often has suggested font pairings you can use for reference, and there are free sites like and Typewolf that can further inspire.

Learn the Nuances of Optimizing for SEO on Squarespace

Optimizing your site for SEO is important regardless of what platform it’s running on. Squarespace uses its own terminology for many common SEO elements, so it’s important to get familiar with those Squarespace-specific terms to make finding and editing SEO elements as easy as possible.

We’ve researched this topic quite a bit and cannot recommend this article from Style Factory enough—it’s one of the best resources we’ve found on the topic, and covers everything from the nitty-gritty specifics of meta descriptions to some generalized points about site speed and how to improve it. Definitely give that a read!

Don’t Underestimate the Customizability of Templates

Squarespace templates are so beautiful and “put-together” by default that you may think the layouts are pretty inflexible—that all you can really do to customize them is tinker with font and colors, maybe rearrange some blocks on predefined layouts.

Most of the time, this isn’t true—you can often get way more creative with templates than you might think. Check out this compilation of beautiful Squarespace sites, for example. While some of the examples on this compilation are custom designs outright, they should nonetheless serve as inspiration about what’s possible with the platform.

Make Your Site More Secure by Enabling Two-Factor Authentication

Squarespace does a famously-great job of keeping your site secure, but what about your Squarespace account itself? Are you using a good, unique password to log in, for example? Be honest! If not, start by changing your password to something more secure.

And if you want to truly increase the security of your Squarespace account—which will, in turn, decrease the chances of anything bad happening to your site—then follow this guide to easily enable two-factor authentication for your account.

These tips on security, typography, design, and SEO are all simple, but they’ll go a long way in taking your Squarespace site to the next level. And if you ever want a robust events calendar on your site—one that’s easy to manage, and will adapt to mobile devices just like your Squarespace site itself—be sure to give Loxi a try today!

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